October 02, 2020

Top 5 States We're Moving to

Whether for work, school or change of scenery, people of the United States are a transient lot. According to U.S. census data approximately 31,000,000 people moved this past year; 3,000,000 of them across state borders.  As we move for varying reasons, seniors for instance, are still flocking to Florida and Arizona for retirement and younger families with kids are more prone to moving to suburban areas in North Carolina or rural areas in Idaho or Tennessee.

Where you move can obviously impact overall home values and cost of living and should be taken into consideration before heading off to the great unknown. Resource tools abound for comparing cost of living and how far your income will go in various markets. Sites such as Money.com, Nerdwallet.com and Salary.com have healthy cost of living comparision tools.

Here are the top 5 places Americans are moving to:


Again, this crowd is usually older. Seniors are still drawn to the warm tropical environment that Florida has to offer. This state has more areas than just along the coast, and many retirees and families are opting to settle in inner state regions to take advantage of lower property costs and cost of living decreases.

Some of the benefits of moving to Florida include and abundance of warm sunny weather and a plethora of outdoor activities to pursue. Florida boasts beautiful beaches and lots of fun attractions for people of all ages. With an influx of newcomers, home resale value can be higher resulting in a tidy profit for home investors.

North Carolina

More families with younger children are heading to this beautiful state that is known for its natural resources and lower property costs in some areas.

In general, the cost of living, crime rates and property costs are lower in suburban and rural areas of this state. Better schools, safer neighborhoods, increasing number of attractive jobs and warmer temperatures with seasonal changes in higher elevations make this state an attractive one for many on the move.


Due to the arid climate of Arizona and nearby states, more Americans with breathing problems are still finding Arizona an attractive place to move. There is a growing population of more families and younger adults moving into this state in addition to retirees.  

A growing number of high-tech jobs are opening up, and this has caused many younger workers to seriously consider this state their new home in recent years. This trend is expected to continue over the next decade according to job specialists and real estate experts. Overall cost of living and real estate are slightly above the U.S. average but necessitties such as groceries and healthcare are lower.


Tennessee has reported a growing migration of new home seekers and younger families in just the last few years. More jobs are opening up in various areas that include higher tech jobs and more startup businesses as well as the typical music industry draw this state is well-known for. Cost of living can still be higher in the larger cities, but rural areas and smaller towns in Tennessee offer a dramatic lowered cost for living expenses overall.

This state has good schools, offers more tax incentives and is a growing contender for new businesses seeking a fresh prospective and greater growth potential. This is partly due to the increased land available at lower prices overall than in other states.


Idaho has been steadily increasing its population largely due to an influx of Californians and residents from the Pacific Northwest. These folks are in search of lower home prices and decreased cost of living expenses. Additionally, the cramped neighborhoods and cities in those areas are making the widespread land acres in Idaho the next buried treasure or gold rush population drive prompting a massive influx of people of all ages and backgrounds.

Take time to assess your current or future home value before moving,  today on Eppraisal.com.

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